send back this ferforma after signature from all pnjab CF/CT on your distt leterpad. Sample of performa
Subject: Boycott of duty during Summer Vacations.
I/we agree to sign this agreement as I/we satisfied by the following terms and conditions:-
1. That I/we Computer Faculty/Teacher working under Phase I/II or Phase III in ICT Project, Punjab.
2. That I/we ready to boycott of duty during the summer vacations i.e., I/we not willing to open the Computer Lab during
the summer vacations, to do any type of clerical jobs.
3. That this is mine/our signed agreement, after signing it I/we will be a participant of this strike and if I/we not
do the same then the CTU, Punjab can take any strict action me/us & i/we will be accountable for that.
S.No. Name school Name Contact No. Signature
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